Welcome to Our Theater Diaries

Burt and Tamara are dedicated theater goers, inviting you to join us on our adventures on the aisles on and off Broadway.

The commentaries here are expressed by the T of T and B, Tamara. While T and B do not always have complete consensus in their views, we discuss the shows we see before reviewing  so we can share  a fuller perspective with you .

When serious disagreement about what we've seen arises, we'll give the dissenting opinions in "He said" and "She said" dialogues.

We want you to have your own discussions and disagreements about what you see. Please share your opinions and suggestions with us.

Since theater is an expensive hobby, here are some places that make it more affordable: go to http://tbontheaisleatheaterdiary.blogspot.com/p/our-favorite-go-to-sites-for-theater.html

(c) Tamara Beck

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